My Idea For This Blog

To set goals for myself that others can see & encourage me along the way. for 2009-

I have decided that it is too hard for me in my life right now the way it was set up for last year.

The Lord has laid it on my heart that I must choose to ACT loving.......& part of that is being moderate in my choices.

So each day, I will record how I chose moderation, motivated by my love for God or my love for others. Also, I will choose loving actions & (mostly, I need to demostrate it in the area of MODERATION) because of God's love for me!

Thank-you to each & every one of you who will support & pray for me in this endeavor!

Monday, January 21, 2008

MONEY: Jan. 20-26

Jan. 20th: Didn't spend any $-didn't go anywhere!

Jan. 21st: Stayed home the entire day.

Jan. 22nd: Gassed up the van-that's all the $ I spent.

Jan 23rd: Didn't spend any $ except on much-needed groceries.

Jan. 24th: Spent over $200 on the room today, w/ 6 gallons of paint & other supplies.

Jan. 25th: Spent about $20 on the room.

Jan. 26th: Didn't go anywhere. Stayed home & worked on the room!

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