My Idea For This Blog

To set goals for myself that others can see & encourage me along the way. for 2009-

I have decided that it is too hard for me in my life right now the way it was set up for last year.

The Lord has laid it on my heart that I must choose to ACT loving.......& part of that is being moderate in my choices.

So each day, I will record how I chose moderation, motivated by my love for God or my love for others. Also, I will choose loving actions & (mostly, I need to demostrate it in the area of MODERATION) because of God's love for me!

Thank-you to each & every one of you who will support & pray for me in this endeavor!

Monday, July 7, 2008

TIME: July 6-12

July 6: Turned out the lights at 10:05 pm....

July 7: Was 10:30pm......

July 8: Close to 11pm. Went to babysit for my sister, so they could go out on a date. Ana went too. Babies stayed home with dad. :-)

July 9: Bed at 10 pm.

July 10: Lights out at 10:15 or so......but Friday morning is my morning to sleep in!

MONEY: July 6-12

July 6: Didn't spend anything....

July 7: Ditto. Payday is the 8th. :-)

July 8: Took a list to the store when I shopped, but didn't stick to it very well, as we were out of just about everything!

July 9: Bought a new rocker to rock my babies (& sometimes even my big girl!!)

July 10: Didn't spend anything....

FOOD: July 6-12

July 6: Have no idea how things went. Went to Golden Corral for lunch....yummy!

July 7: Still didn't journal or keep track.....

July 8: Ditto....

July 9: Marked off boxes!!!!!

July 10: Ditto!!!! Two days in a row!